Released in 2018. This is a stuffed toy from the Pokemon fit series, Pokemon, and Strike. The palm-sized stuffed animal "Pokémon fit" is now available at the Pokémon Center! This is a Pokemon Center original item.
Since it does not stand on its own, it was shown standing in a box when photographed, but the box is not included. note that. Discounts are not negotiable. Immediate purchase is welcome.
2018年発売。Pokemon fit シリーズ・ポケットモンスター(ポケモン・Pokemon)・ストライクのぬいぐるみとなります。手のひらサイズのぬいぐるみ「Pokémon fit」が、ポケモンセンターに登場!ポケモンセンターオリジナルグッズとなります。
English Description
Released in 2018. This is a stuffed toy from the Pokemon fit series, Pokemon, and Strike. The palm-sized stuffed animal "Pokémon fit" is now available at the Pokémon Center! This is a Pokemon Center original item.
Since it does not stand on its own, it was shown standing in a box when photographed, but the box is not included. note that. Discounts are not negotiable. Immediate purchase is welcome.